FFP Projection

Analyses, Predictions,
and Signals.

Weekly Projection – 11/14/2021

Learn forex trading, with our simple, straightforward, beginner-friendly projections. We use both technical and fundamental analysis. See this week's analyses: AUDUSD, EURAUD, and BTCUSD.

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AUDUSD (1h) - Bearish

Projection: We will be waiting until price breaks past, on retests on, the ~0.73487 zone, at which point we will be looking forward to selling.

 FFP Confidence Level
Positives 75%

EURAUD (1h) - Bearish

Projection: We will be waiting until price breaks past, on retests on, the ~1.56449 zone (if the EMA [50] remains above the candlesticks and the 0.382 fib level; and if we see a nice, clean streak of bullish candles, going all the way back to the 0.382 fib level), at which point we will be looking forward to selling.

 FFP Confidence Level
Positives 80%

BTCUSD (4h) - Bullish

Interested in trading bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies? Here's a technical analysis of some of the basics.

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WP 11-14-2021
Nio Pomilia

Weekly Projection – 11/14/2021

Learn forex trading, with our simple, straightforward, beginner-friendly projections. We use both technical and fundamental analysis. See this week’s analyses: AUDUSD, EURAUD, and BTCUSD.

Nio Pomilia

Weekly Projection – 11/7/2021

Learn forex trading, with our simple, straightforward, beginner-friendly projections. We use both technical and fundamental analysis. See what currency pairs we’re looking at this week, here at Forex Free Press.